This is one of those long, slow baits.
I got Dube Bogani's address from another baiter,and sent him my standard "I'm interested." reply.
I ask what seems a logical question.
Ah, it's one of those family friend, non-hired lawyers, evidently.
I'm a bit lost on this complicated banking stuff...
Oh, but there's always a way to help!
Apparently, I can help just by sending my phone number.
On a whim, I ask why he thinks I won't just run away with his money if I legally own it.
I get some "clearification".
Trusts me, does he? Man, is he mistaken.
Oh, I'll allow your ole lawyer to talk to me.
And cue the Yahoo lawyer!
He's laying the blessings on thick. I'm wondering why I have to contact the lawyer.
This brings us up to August 31, 2005, and the introduction of the lawyer with the unusual name of Xantin Khumalo. You don't run into too many folks named Xantin in my neck of the woods. Bogani and Xantin sounds like either an acrobat duo in the circus or a law firm, though...
The lawyer asks for some stuff. Like usual.
I proceed to not give it to him, like usual.
And now, one of my favorite bits. Doing the paperwork. Or, rather, not doing the paperwork.
Attached is this lovely document.
I point out a small sticky wicket.
Why, he thinks I'm "up to something". I'm shocked, I tell you, shocked, that he could be so suspicious.
I am the picture of innocence.
His explanation isn't all that great, but, hey, it's an answer.
I point out another slightly sticky wicket.
Message received and understood.
I supply him with a fake mailing address. Nothing else of interest in the email, so I omit it here.
He acknowledges receipt, but points out I haven't signed, yet. I decide to delay further by "losing" it.
I'm even nice when I ask. This brings us up to September 5, 2005.
He obliges.
I ask what I thought was a rather clever question.
He "accordingly advises" me further.
I seek more good tech-talk from Lad Tech Support...
He's getting a bit desperate. He's willing to settle for fax or snail mail by this point.
If I can't scan, why should I understand faxing? (This is made much funnier by the fact that, honest, I can barely operate a fax machine in real life.)
Now he snatches away the snail mail option. Why, that jerk!
I don't know why he cares. It's not as though he needs it to scam me...
Geez, the guy acts all impatient and stuff. What's the big hurry?
At the time, I was a bit flush with lads, and didn't really have much time to find a cleverer way out of shipping something. Besides, I thought he would be eager to prove his genuineness, so I went for broke on the "Somebody done told me you were a scammer" modality.
I give him the old "You have got to be kidding me, this address is made up" rant.
This brings me to September 12, 2005.
As expected, a little thing like pegging him as a scammer hardly fazes him.
He pulls out the usual "Help me help you" crap, and seeing that I'm not too likely to just up and send my own money without some "good faith" gesture, offers me the old "investor" ruse. This scam is just a dressed up fake check scam. The "financier" or "investor" sends you a "loan" to cover the fees you owe in the form of a check. This check is stolen, altered, forged, drawn against someone else's account, or is in some way destined to bounce. The hope is, you cash it, you send the money via Western Union or Moneygram to pay the "fees" you supposedly couldn't afford without the investor, and when the bank inevitably comes looking for someone's nads and their money, your nads are the ones that end up in the jar of formaldehyde on the bank manager's desk. They don't bother looking out of country for someone's nads. Some victims have even ended up facing federal charges for passing these forged checks. The scamming lad still wins, and the victim loses twice.
Anywho, he pulls out this old standby. I'm somewhat less than cooperative.
Scammer logic is a curious animal.
Erm, no, I am not his very good friend. And I'm not feeling too friendly at the moment...
Well, I suppose I have to give him an A for effort. And he does have one skill a lot of scammers can't seem to grasp. That of the "inline comment".
I'm sure Bogani is trembling over that "word" you're going to have. And was there really a lot of lotting? I'm tempted to ask, but resist.
I am accordingly advised some more.
I love how totally nameless investors will just cut you a check for $22,000, yet, the scammer won't even give you a damned name for them.
I've stalled until September 22, 2005 at this point.
On, uh... October the "Threeth", according to my mysterious formerly nameless financier, I am pre-approved for a loan, so long as I contact them. What sort of shoddy pre-approval is that?
Sure. I'll just run and send those two forms of ID right this minute, mmmkay?
I do the usual.
I love how he has presented himself as Investor Dave Thom(p)son. Scammers love their haughty titles.
Apparently, they don't love being asked perfectly reasonable questions, however. There's two whole days worth of dead silence until October 4, when Dube (remember Dube?) emails me.
I again ask the same perfectly logical questions, and forward to Dube the same thing I sent to the "investor".
Now the Barrister is back in on the act again. Now, why couldn't the investor answer?
I get somewhat moody with the good barrister, who seems to think everyone has a Kinko's in their back garden.
I do, however attach a couple of jpgs. That can't be opened, of course.
Oh dear, I wonder why he can't open it?
I wonder if he knows how to work that thing...
Having so much trouble with getting my paperwork, the scammers start exploring alternate methods.
Scammers love Bank of America. It makes it easy for them to scam you, because you can do online transfers between BOA accounts without actually having to go to the bank in person. So, either the scammers were expecting me to deposit some money in this account, and expecting to remove it to their own BOA account, or they were planning to "flash" my account with the "loan". Essentially, flashing is the practice of sending a transfer to a bank account then quickly reversing it, or funding the transfer with a fake check that bounces. Either way, you're the one left holding the bag when the money "disappears" and the bank comes looking for whoever has "their" money.
I decide to fall back on one of my favorite bait-ending modalities. The "twig". Some nice person warns me before it's too late. I inform the barrister.
As hoped, this scammer isn't going to crawl under a rug just because I've nailed him dead to rights as a scammer.
Persistent, ain't he? I love how he doesn't even ask "What's flashing?" like a good, innocent barrister, and how he pulls out the tired old saw that other people are scammers but he isn't.
I'm... shall we say, blunt.
I sent that on October 19, 2005. In true "Never give up!" fashion, I get a reply on December 19, 2005, a full two months later. Apparently, the little bugger has been busy gathering up the contacts to be able to sell/use my credit card information.
He makes an incredibly naive and ridiculous request.
Does he honestly think anyone's that stupid? Apparently so...
I'm not. Not even as a baiting character.
Now, you would think a dude could take a hint, but nope. He's baaaaaack. After six months of silence, July 6, 2006, what do I spy in my inbox?
Thinks he's clever, doesn't he?
I'm less cooperative than he's expecting.
Apparently, he was so proud I called his plan cunning that his head exploded.
I never hear from Xantin Khumalo again. Presumably, he couldn't come up with a cunning plan, so he sold my information to another scammer or passed me off to someone else in his gang. At any rate, August 2nd, 2006, I get a message with the subject "God news Baiter Name .(Barr. Xantin Khumalo gave me your contact )"
Like any self-respecting baiter, I am skeptical.
I mean, really, what's the point of a bloody courier company if they don't, y'know, courier stuff?
I get a bounce from the hotmail address.
That's okay. He also included a Yahoo address for the second time he sent me the identical email. *headdesk* I taunt him at the Yahoo address.
It's still August 2, 2006. I don't expect to get much further with this one, but by golly, he's more tenacious than I would have expected.
Now, at this point, I figure there's still a very good chance that this is actually Xantin, trying a new angle and a new name. So I see if I can get a rise out of him by bashing Xantin as an idiot. You're about to be a lot less happy that I know Khumalo.
Apparently, it's not the same scammer. If he's in the same gang, there's some bad inter-scammer communication, here.
So, at this point, I'm assuming Lad 1 actually made a naira or two off of my information, selling it to Gezi and billing me as a responsive maga.
Responsive? Yes. Paying? No.
It's now August 8.
On August 10, I get the following stall message.
Three days later, Jerry gets back to me with a new story.
Seriously, how does he not burst into flames or get struck by lightning just typing the word "integrity"?
I am most unkind in my response.
Jerry gives me some bank details.
I check out the website. Nothing resembling a bank site there. Again, I'm less than cooperative.
August 17, Jerry Gezi tries to lay down some ground rules.
Right. Then we'll have tea on the veranda with Gandhi and the Tooth Fairy, right?
I decide to annoy him by insisting on traveling.
As expected, the coward tries to discourage me from bringing any "security" as that would "bring unnecessary eyebrow".
C'mon man! If you're going to steal, at least have the cojones to do it even if I have an armed guard!
I reply the same day, August 18, 2006.
Ah, the fun part. Giving a lad a hard time over details, and over being a coward. I love how he thinks I'm just going to waltz in on his turf, like a lamb to slaughter. I like turning it around and making him nervous.
Dance, scammer, dance!
Oh, you'll hear from me.
This lad appears to have been watching too much Dr. Phil, or something. The "I'll pretend you're joking" thing is very odd.
I also hate it when scammers try to play the "you're picking on Africa, because you don't trust me, even though I said right from the beginning, in my proposal, that I'm a thief, taking what isn't mine" card. Dude, I don't trust you because you're obviously a SCAMMER, no more, no less. Even if the proposal were true, you would still be a thief, unethical, and a liar, so why would I trust you even then?
Scammer logic. Gotta love it. They actually expect honor among thieves.
We're silent for about a week. August 28, he emails again.
I'm a shade cranky about his impatience.
Scammers really need some classes in reading and paying attention to detail... yeesh.
So, Sparky here decides to go all high and mighty, like scammers do, when they know they have a snowball's chance in hell of actually getting any money out of you, but can't quite give up.
Translation: Oh, crap. You're traveling, you're really traveling. I am too cowardly to actually face someone who is bringing armed guards. I shall bluster foolishly, now. And invoke the word "moral". Like I even know what that means...
It's September 19th by now, and he sees his chances for getting me to pay off easily dwindling fast.
I reply with a bit of putting him back in his place. And insulting his manhood. But that goes without saying, almost...
I love how he's about 90% sure he's being jerked around, to the point of shooting off his mouth, yet he can't quit scamming.
Meh, I decide it's time to call a spade a spade, and see how the spade responds. The "prodding" about possible homosexual behavior is strictly to see if he reacts to it. Most scammers come from countries where homosexuality is not only frowned upon and discriminated against, it can be downright dangerous to admit. If the police don't arrest you for it, it's certainly not something you want others finding out about. As a result, most scammers react in a very over the top manner if you even hint they might be anything other than hairy-chested he-men who have fifteen girlfriends. They tend to overcompensate a mite...
The best the man can come up with (and I use the term "man" loosely) is to call me "poor".
I love this dude's "logic". There's only one Gezi family? Why? Did all the other Gezis change their name out of embarrassment when they found out about this scammer? And if "Jerry Gezi" is part of the "taproot of the ANC", someone forgot to tell Google about it.
Particularly, I love that the nimrod leaps to the wild-arse conclusion that I'm a Mexican immigrant. Sure. That makes sense. Not.
Also, since when does sexual assault = financial help? And Lonely Boy still wants a picture, the sad wanker. I have some more fun wasting his time, and taking him to task for insulting illegal immigrants. Whatever your opinion about immigration, at least Mexican immigrants tend to, you know, find honest work for a living instead of stealing from people.
So, he's totally stuck on this "Loud Mouth" insult. Poor dear can't spell words any bigger...
I'm much amused at how he thinks I'm supposed to slit my wrists because I'm single, or something. Dude, if waiting for the "right man" means I end up with something better than a lowlife scammer or nothing, I'll wait. Hand me a magazine.
So... Jerry boy has actually gotten so frustrated, he's resorted to something pretty hilarious. He graduates from "Loud mouth" to sexual taunts. Sort of. He sends my character a message that says "Just For You" in the subject line, and contains the following text:
It has a pornographic picture attached. Probably professional, because of the quality of the picture, the lighting, and the fact that the penis alone far outweighs this scammer's microscopic brain.
Let's recap. He was so angry, he wasted his cafe time and money finding just the right 60K worth of enormous penis picture, and sent it to me. I laughed for ten minutes straight.
Definitely not safe for work.
Now, as you may recall, these scammers tend to come from extremely homophobic societies. Getting caught looking at naughty penis pictures is likely to get you some very unpleasant repercussions. I decided the fact that he had spent his time looking for said pictures needed to be shared with his fellow scammers. My reply included the picture he found, so, if he's not playing all the parts in this scam, his friends get an eyeful of what he sent me.
Only one of the emails bounced, the original "Dube Bogani". And strangely, I never heard from Jerry again. I hope he had a lot of 'splainin' to do to his friends...
I got Dube Bogani's address from another baiter,and sent him my standard "I'm interested." reply.
Date: Aug 24, 2005 6:34 AM
Subject: URGENT
Dear Baiter,
Thanks for your response to my mail.Like you said in your mail that you do not understand what I am requesting from you. Really I need your assistance and cooperation.I will like you to assist me in clearing the consignment containing US$21.5M which was deposited by my late father in a security company here in South Africa.
If you go through the first letter I sent to you, I stated clearly that I will offer you 20% of the total sum for your assistance.I also want to inform you that I have with me all documents which my late father used in depositing the consignment.And as soon as you agree to assist me, I will inform my family Attorney to make a change of ownership to your name for the consignment to be claimed in your name and transfered to your bank account in your country. Thereafter, I will make all arrangement to fly to your country for my families share of the funds.
Because of my refugee status here in South Africa, I can not transact, run an account or get any funds transfered in my name, hence I contacted you for assistance. I do hope you understand my request now.
I sincerely await your quick response.
Yours faithfully,
Dube Bogani.
I ask what seems a logical question.
So, how come they let you hire a lawyer if you can't do any of that other stuff? Why don't you get your attorney to sue for your rights?
Ah, it's one of those family friend, non-hired lawyers, evidently.
Happy to hear from you.Really, this Attorney has been a close friend of the family even before the death of my father.He asisted my father in depositing the consignment. And as a matter of fact, he is not charging us any money for his legal representation or assistance.
Its just that I and my family really want to leave the African continent to start a new life hence I have contacted to please assist us in this.And apart from the 20% I promised to offer you, I believe God will also bless you abondantly for helping a family in need.
Please I will awaiting your quick response to know if you can help us. I am really counting on you.
I'm a bit lost on this complicated banking stuff...
But how can his help do you any good if they won't let you have any other rights? You haven't explained that. If they won't even let you have a bank account, why would they let you move money?
Oh, but there's always a way to help!
Good to hear from you again.The question you asked is the reason I contacted you.Because I can not have a bank account and all that is while I need your help.Like I have made mention to you, firstly, there have to be a change of ownership of the consignment to you, secondly, a non resident account will be opened in your name for the transfer of the funds to your nominated bank account.
Please send me your telephone number in your next e-mail and also let me know if you can help.Hope to hear from you soon.
Apparently, I can help just by sending my phone number.
On a whim, I ask why he thinks I won't just run away with his money if I legally own it.
Oh, so I'll own it legally? How can you be sure I won't run away with it? Or is there something I need to sign? And how can you have the legal ability to transfer ownership, but not the right to have a bank account?
My phone number is *number removed*. But I work swing shift at the hospital, so I'm hard to catch at home and awake.
I get some "clearification".
In your last mail, you asked some questions which I will like to answer for clearification purposes.
You asked if you will own it legally ? Once the change of ownership is make in your name, yes you will own it legally.But note that 20% of the total funds will be for you while 70% will be for me and my family, 10% will be for any expenses that may be incured by you or us in the course of getting this funds to your bank account in your country.
Second question was how can I be sure that you won't run away with the money . First of all, I will say I trust you even when I have not met you because my spirit tells me so.Besides there are documents which we have to sign to bind us.
Your third question was, how can I have the legal ability to transfer ownership. With my consent and all documents with me which my late father used in depositing the consignment, I have the right to instruct the Attorney to make a change of ownership to who ever is of my choice.It is totally a different thing from having a bank account. Imigration laws here do not permit me to have a bank account.Please I hope to hear from you positively concerning this. As soon as I hear from you, I will give your contact information to my Attorney so that he can brief you better on how we can go about this.
Please note that I am really counting on you for this to work out and I sincerely believe that you can help me.May God bless you and your family as I await to hear from you.
Yours faithfully,
Dube Bogani.
Trusts me, does he? Man, is he mistaken.
Oh, I'll allow your ole lawyer to talk to me.
You can have the attorney explain it to me.
And cue the Yahoo lawyer!
Thanks for your response. I will give your contact information to my Attorney so that he can contact you and explain in detail to you.The Attorney's information is as below:
TEL: +27 73 783 3314
I really appreciate all your effects so far.May God bless you and you family for everything you have done so far.
Yours faithfully,
Dube Bogani.
He's laying the blessings on thick. I'm wondering why I have to contact the lawyer.
What am I supposed to do with that? Why not just tell him to email me and explain it? After all, it makes more sense for you to tell him. He doesn't know me from Adam.
This brings us up to August 31, 2005, and the introduction of the lawyer with the unusual name of Xantin Khumalo. You don't run into too many folks named Xantin in my neck of the woods. Bogani and Xantin sounds like either an acrobat duo in the circus or a law firm, though...
The lawyer asks for some stuff. Like usual.
I am contacting you on behalf of Mr Dube Bongani regarding the clearing of the consignment containing 21.5 million us dollars that Late Brigradier Bogani Jones deposited here in Stallion Security company .
This very said consignment in this Stallion security company has accumolated the sum of 24,000 us dollars , based on this Mr Dube Bogani has instructed me to arrange for an investor to help finance this very transaction .So i will be contacting Omega Crossing to finance this very transaction .
I will here by advise you to forward me this informations :
1.Full Names
2.Home address
3.Telephone / fax number
4. Scanned picture page of your international passport or drivers licence
At the receipt of this information i will inform you on how to contact Omega Crossing but you most keep this noted that you are not responsible for this very loan , as soon as i receive your full information i will forward to you the next step .
I will forward to you a written agreement that will bind both parties in this transaction for security reasons , i await your prompt response to this very mail .
Be accordingly advised.
Barrister Xantin Khumalo .
I proceed to not give it to him, like usual.
At the receipt of this information i will inform you on how to contact Omega Crossing but you most keep this noted that you are not responsible for this very loan , as soon as i receive your full information i will forward to you the next step .
I'm not sure I understand this. Will they be giving me money that I then use to pay the transaction, or does the money not evey pass through me? How does that work?
I will forward to you a written agreement that will bind both parties in this transaction for security reasons , i await your prompt response to this very mail .
Be accordingly advised.
Barrister Xantin Khumalo .
I would like to see and read the agreement before providing any personal information. I'm sure you understand that is only prudent.
And now, one of my favorite bits. Doing the paperwork. Or, rather, not doing the paperwork.
I have attached the agreement paper in this mail so i will advise you to sign it and forward it back to me via e-mail attachment .
Further more you should forward to me the informations i requested from you in my previous mail so that i will proceed for the loan of 24,000 us dollars .
For your information i have contacted the investor who has accepted to finance this very transaction so your urgent response to this very mail is needed .
Be accordingly advised .
Barrister Xantin Khumalo .
Attached is this lovely document.
I point out a small sticky wicket.
You didn't answer my question about how this loan will work and whether the money will pass through me.
Why, he thinks I'm "up to something". I'm shocked, I tell you, shocked, that he could be so suspicious.
I do not know actually what you are up to , but the loan will pass through you as you are the sole beneficiary/next of kin to this very fund . I need your information to make change of owner ship to this very consignment so sign the agreement paper and forward it together with the informations i requested for .
For your information this transaction will be done legally and the very said fund ( 21.5million ) will be transfered to U.S.A in your nominated account bit by bit (5million ) in each transfer .
Your urgent response to my previous mail is needed so get back now with all that is needed from you and you will be up dated on the futher proceedure at the receipt of what is requested from you .
I am the picture of innocence.
I do not know actually what you are up to , but the loan will pass through you as you are the sole beneficiary/next of kin to this very fund .
I just want to know if I'm actually going to have to receive the loan myself and then send it on to you, or what, that's all. You haven't explained this very well, so far.
I need your information to make change of owner ship to this very consignment so sign the agreement paper and forward it together with the informations i requested for .
And that was what, again? My full name? That's Baiter Name. Do you need my address? If so, just the mailing address or the residential address?
For your information this transaction will be done legally and the very said fund ( 21.5million ) will be transfered to U.S.A in your nominated account bit by bit (5million ) in each transfer .
And that's not going to raise eyebrows? Like with the IRS or the bank?
Your urgent response to my previous mail is needed so get back now with all that is needed from you and you will be up dated on the futher proceedure at the receipt of what is requested from you .
Be accordingly advised .
Barrister Xantin Khumalo .
His explanation isn't all that great, but, hey, it's an answer.
The cheque will be sent to you then you will have to send it down to me for the clearing of the consignment .I need your residential address and telephone number .
Your urgent response is needed .
I point out another slightly sticky wicket.
But if you're going to send me the check, you need my MAILING address, do you not? I don't receive mail where I live. It has to go to a Post Office Box. The post office does not offer delivery in my neighborhood.
My phone number is *number removed*. But I work swing shift at the hospital, so I'm hard to catch at home and awake.
Message received and understood.
I am in receipt of your mail so i will advise you to send me your mailing address so that i can forward it to the investor .
Be accordingly advised .
Barrister Xantin Khumalo .
I supply him with a fake mailing address. Nothing else of interest in the email, so I omit it here.
He acknowledges receipt, but points out I haven't signed, yet. I decide to delay further by "losing" it.
I am in receipt of your postal address but you have to sign and mail back the agreement paper for security reasons, once that is done then i will forward your information to the investor .
Be accordingly advised .
Barrister Xantin Khumalo .
I'm even nice when I ask. This brings us up to September 5, 2005.
I'm embarrassed to admit this, but I believe I must have deleted the email containing the agreement. Could you send it again, please?
He obliges.
I have attached the agreement in this mail so sign and send it back via e-mail attachment , the ealier the better as i have concluded with the investor .
Be accordingly advised .
Barrister Xantin Khumalo .
I ask what I thought was a rather clever question.
How am I supposed to sign it? It's just a picture file.
He "accordingly advises" me further.
I want to inform you that there is no time to waste as i have concluded with the investor , all you need to do is to print the agreement out and sign your part then scan it and re-send it via e-mail attachment as soon as possible .
Be accordingly advised .
Barrister Xantin Khumalo .
I seek more good tech-talk from Lad Tech Support...
Scan it? And how am I supposed to do that?
He's getting a bit desperate. He's willing to settle for fax or snail mail by this point.
I will advise you to first print it out and sign your part , once that is done then i will forward to you my mailing address so that you can forward it to me via posting or i will provide you mt fax number so that you can return the signed agreement via fax .
Confirm to me as soon as you have the agreement signed .
If I can't scan, why should I understand faxing? (This is made much funnier by the fact that, honest, I can barely operate a fax machine in real life.)
I think I'll need the mailing address.
Now he snatches away the snail mail option. Why, that jerk!
I will advise you to sign the agreement and send it through this fax number : +27-73-844-9686 or e-mail attachment . Do not waste time in sending this agreement as it is delaying this very transaction .
I don't know why he cares. It's not as though he needs it to scam me...
I thought you said you were going to give me your address so I could mail it to you?
How can I send it by fax when I don't have a fax, and how can I send it as an attachment when I don't have a scanner? Why won't you give me the address for mailing it like you promised?
Geez, the guy acts all impatient and stuff. What's the big hurry?
This is to inform you that we have no time so always work with my instructions for the success of this transaction , as i have ealier told you that the loan as been aqproved so make sure at the receipt of this mail that you send the signed agreement paper to the address i will place below and you must use a speedy postal servicve so that i can receive it here in two or three days . The below is the mailing address :
Address the mail my wife Mrs . Khumalo , further more you will have to send to me the tracking number and the web site of the postal agent you will use in sending the agreement paper and make sure it is a speed post like DHL OR UPS .
Your urgent response is needed regarding this mail so post the agreement paper to the address written above .
Be accordingly advised .
Barrister Xantin Khumalo
At the time, I was a bit flush with lads, and didn't really have much time to find a cleverer way out of shipping something. Besides, I thought he would be eager to prove his genuineness, so I went for broke on the "Somebody done told me you were a scammer" modality.
I give him the old "You have got to be kidding me, this address is made up" rant.
What exactly are you trying to pull? I went to send this to you today, and they checked the address. It's made up. As in fake, a lie. The girl behind the counter wanted to know what I was sending, so I showed it to her. And she warned me about people like you. You're a 419 scammer, aren't you? I went out and read all about people like you, with your fake documents and your fake transfers. You just made up that address and wanted me to give you a tracking number so you could see that I sent it, and then pretend you had received it, didn't you? That's why you didn't even want to give me the mailing address, after you said you would. Because that's not your address.
Well, you can forget this transaction, because I know you're a fraud, now. I was so grateful to that girl behind the counter at UPS that I wrote a nice letter to her manager and treated her to lunch. Then I went to the police station and showed them your emails, and all your fake documents. They also said you were a scammer.
Your urgent response is needed regarding this mail so post the agreement paper to the address written above .
Be accordingly advised .
Oh, I've been accordingly advised. I 've been advised that you are a scamming fuck, and you can go to hell. You're not a barrister. You're lying, thieving scum.
This brings me to September 12, 2005.
As expected, a little thing like pegging him as a scammer hardly fazes him.
You are out of your mind , what do you mean that the mailing address that i gave to you is fake ? That actually showed me that you are not serious . To start with i never asked you to pay any money rather i took it up on my self to arrange for an investor to finance this very transfer .
At this point i am writting you this mail the cheque has been prepared according to the message i got from the investor who is right now in London . For your information i am not trying to scam you but i am trying to assist my client to get the consignment cleared and transfered to U.S.A with your help that is all .
I will invite my client later today to inform him of your intentions because he is the one that asked you to contact me , i will also like you to confirm to me if you are still ready to continue this transaction and for your information you are not requested to pay any money as my client has signed for the loan to process the transaction
Get back now .
Be accordingly advised .
Barrister Xantin Khumalo .
He pulls out the usual "Help me help you" crap, and seeing that I'm not too likely to just up and send my own money without some "good faith" gesture, offers me the old "investor" ruse. This scam is just a dressed up fake check scam. The "financier" or "investor" sends you a "loan" to cover the fees you owe in the form of a check. This check is stolen, altered, forged, drawn against someone else's account, or is in some way destined to bounce. The hope is, you cash it, you send the money via Western Union or Moneygram to pay the "fees" you supposedly couldn't afford without the investor, and when the bank inevitably comes looking for someone's nads and their money, your nads are the ones that end up in the jar of formaldehyde on the bank manager's desk. They don't bother looking out of country for someone's nads. Some victims have even ended up facing federal charges for passing these forged checks. The scamming lad still wins, and the victim loses twice.
Anywho, he pulls out this old standby. I'm somewhat less than cooperative.
You are out of your mind , what do you mean that the mailing address that i gave to you is fake ?
It does not exist. There is no address like that in the shipper's database of valid addresses.
That actually showed me that you are not serious . To start with i never asked you to pay any money rather i took it up on my self to arrange for an investor to finance this very transfer .
Really? Prove it. I'll believe it when I see it.
At this point i am writting you this mail the cheque has been prepared according to the message i got from the investor who is right now in London .
What's this investor's name? Who is he preparing this check for? For how much?
For your information i am not trying to scam you but i am trying to assist my client to get the consignment cleared and transfered to U.S.A with your help that is all .
Again, I will believe it when I see it. I can't very well send an agreement to an address the shippers can't find, now can I?
I will invite my client later today to inform him of your intentions because he is the one that asked you to contact me , i will also like you to confirm to me if you are still ready to continue this transaction and for your information you are not requested to pay any money as my client has signed for the loan to process the transaction
Then what am I being asked to do, exactly? What is my role in this, if you have someone financing the deal? Why do you even need me?
None of this makes any sense. If the person giving the loan is going to pay what's needed, what would you even contact me for?
Scammer logic is a curious animal.
I am in receipt of your mail and it was well understood . The address i gave to you is correct so i do not see a reason why you said it is not correct , so if you don't mind send this very agreement paper fast .
Further more Mr . Dube Bogani has signed for the loan of 24 ,000 us dollars and the loan has been approved but the cheque of 24,000 us dollars will be issued out from London in your name .The reason is that all document regarding this trasaction will be on your name as i will be making you the sole / beneficiary to the said fund .
This very loan is not your responsibility and the said money is for the clearing the consignment from the security company so it will be posted to you from London the cheque then you have to deposit it in your account pending when the cash is avaliable.
In your mail you asked me what is your role , i believe you where contacted by Mr Dube Bogani because he was the one that told me you are his very good friend and that you are ready to assist him to get the said fund his late father deposited here in South Africa to U.S.A , but you do not have the money to clear the consignment so i contacted some one who will finance the transaction and get his own percentage as you are getting .
I was also mealt to believe that the family of Mr Bogani are joining you in the U.S.A as soon this very fund is cleared from the security company . I will advise you to send me the agreement paper in any means you think will be easy for you so that i can effect this very loan .
Erm, no, I am not his very good friend. And I'm not feeling too friendly at the moment...
I am in receipt of your mail and it was well understood . The address i gave to you is correct so i do not see a reason why you said it is not correct , so if you don't mind send this very agreement paper fast .
The DHL and the UPS BOTH say the address does not exist in their shipping database, and they would be unable to deliver the package. They won't even accept it. So I sent it by regular mail, the International Priority Mail or whatever the Post Office calls it, because that's the best I can do. The Post Office doesn't check. But I'm not responsible if they can't find the address either. I assume your own country's postal service can find it.
Further more Mr . Dube Bogani has signed for the loan of 24 ,000 us dollars and the loan has been approved but the cheque of 24,000 us dollars will be issued out from London in your name .The reason is that all document regarding this trasaction will be on your name as i will be making you the sole / beneficiary to the said fund .
But why? I still don't understand why you would involve me in the first place. Why not put all the documents in the name of the guy who gave the loan and let him pay it off directly?
This very loan is not your responsibility and the said money is for the clearing the consignment from the security company so it will be posted to you from London the cheque then you have to deposit it in your account pending when the cash is avaliable.
I still don't understand why all this is so complicated. Why not have the financier send the money directly to the security company? And isn't the bank going to ask why I have a check for that much money?
In your mail you asked me what is your role , i believe you where contacted by Mr Dube Bogani because he was the one that told me you are his very good friend and that you are ready to assist him to get the said fund his late father deposited here in South Africa to U.S.A , but you do not have the money to clear the consignment so i contacted some one who will finance the transaction and get his own percentage as you are getting .
Very good friend? I never heard of him until he emailed me about this. He evidently has a screw loose if he thinks I'm a very good friend.
I was also mealt to believe that the family of Mr Bogani are joining you in the U.S.A as soon this very fund is cleared from the security company .
He can come here, but it's not like he's moving in with me, for goodness sake. And if he thinks he is, he can just think again. It's not like I have room for him and his family. He can find his own apartment.
I will advise you to send me the agreement paper in any means you think will be easy for you so that i can effect this very loan .
As I said earlier, I sent it by International Priority Mail, because DHL and UPS refused to accept it with that delivery address.
Well, I suppose I have to give him an A for effort. And he does have one skill a lot of scammers can't seem to grasp. That of the "inline comment".
Sorry for the delay of this mail , this are your questions :
But why? I still don't understand why you would involve me in the first place. Why not put all the documents in the name of the guy who gave the loan and let him pay it off directly?
Answer : The family of Bogani told me that you are their very good friend but as you said in your mail that you never heard about him till he contacted you based on this transaction , i have invited him to my place to have a word with him . Regarding this very fund i am the attorney that assisted late Bogani in depositing the fund here in South Africa so i am giving the assurance that this very fund will be transfered in your name from South Africa to U.S.A with out you spending your money .
Your question :
I still don't understand why all this is so complicated. Why not have the financier send the money directly to the security company? And isn't the bank going to ask why I have a check for that much money?
Answer :
As you can see this very fund from Late Bogani was brought from Angola and a lot of top companies and finance house knows about this kind of families that their fathers was in to goverment like late Bogani .There was a lot of lotting from such families that is why they talk this kind of fund from their government and they deposit it in foriegn countries and after their dealth it becomes difficult for the family they left beheind to take possition of the said fund . In this very case once i am in receipt of your agreement i will lagaly make the change of ownership to the consignment to your name information ,then open a non resident account for you here in South Africa where the fund will first be deposited as soon as we clear the consignment .
I'm sure Bogani is trembling over that "word" you're going to have. And was there really a lot of lotting? I'm tempted to ask, but resist.
Well, the agreement is in the mail. I still don't really get all this business, but whatever. I guess I'll expect your email later and the loan whenever?
I am accordingly advised some more.
I am using this opportunity to inform you that the loan process has been concluded and you will be contacted by the investor in Cananda so keep note .
As soon as he contact you please do not hesitate to inform me for further instructions .The amount approved is 22,000 us dollars .
Be accordingly advised.
Barrister Xantin Khumalo .
I love how totally nameless investors will just cut you a check for $22,000, yet, the scammer won't even give you a damned name for them.
He who? Does this investor have a name?
I've stalled until September 22, 2005 at this point.
On, uh... October the "Threeth", according to my mysterious formerly nameless financier, I am pre-approved for a loan, so long as I contact them. What sort of shoddy pre-approval is that?
October 3th,2005
Ref # : 736621
Baiter Name:
Dear Madam,
This is to officially inform you that your business associates Barrister Xantin Khumalo and his Bank overseas; have contacted our office for a loan on your behalf. However, the loan have been pre-approved based on the Assets pledged as security(collateral) by your associates for the amount to be loan. Hence you are expected to contact the Office Of Investor Dave Thompson @ 001-778-893-8949 when you received this e-mail notice.
Note that you are to print out this letter, verify your information below, sign it and return back to our office via fax or preferably email with two pieces of identification in order to release your fund. Fax# 1-514-656-1924.
*Name: Baiter Name
*Address: *Address removed*
E-mail :Baiter email
*Tel# : *K7 removed*
*Amount: $22,000
Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Ashley Johnson
Office Of Investor Dave Thompson
*Ref:Business Loan
Signature:.......................................... Date:...........................................
Disclaimer Notice:
If you are not the intended recipient of this transmission, you are hereby notified that any disclosure or other action taken in reliance on its contents is strictly prohibited. Please delete the information from your system and notify the sender immediately. We have taken precautions against viruses, but take no responsibility for loss or damage that may be caused by its contents.
Si vous n'êtes pas le destinataire du présent message, soyez par la présente avisé que toute divulgation ou autre action effectuée en rapport avec le contenu du message est formellement interdite. Si vous avez reçu ce message par erreur, veuillez nous en aviser sans délai par un courriel de réponse et effacer les renseignements de votre système. Nous prenons toutes les précautions nécessaires pour nous assurer que le présent message ne contient pas de virus mais nous n'assumons aucune responsabilité quant à la perte ou aux dommages qui pourraient être causés par son contenu.
Sure. I'll just run and send those two forms of ID right this minute, mmmkay?
I do the usual.
ence you are expected to contact the Office Of Investor Dave Thompson @ 001-778-893-8949 when you received this e-mail notice.
I tried calling it and got some recording about Microcell Connections not being able to connect, or something like that.
Note that you are to print out this letter, verify your information below, sign it and return back to our office via fax or preferably email with two pieces of identification in order to release your fund. Fax# 1-514-656-1924.
I don't have a fax. I don't have two pieces of ID either, unless you accept library cards. And how the heck am I supposed to sign an email?
My information is all correct, though.
I love how he has presented himself as Investor Dave Thom(p)son. Scammers love their haughty titles.
Apparently, they don't love being asked perfectly reasonable questions, however. There's two whole days worth of dead silence until October 4, when Dube (remember Dube?) emails me.
How are you ? The barrister informed me that the investor from Canada has contacted you but you did not respond accordingly to the investor so based on that the investor has not accepted to send you the cheque . Please i will like you to understand that i have signed for this money and according to the barrister the investor need you to sign up the mail they sent to you , more also they need you to send them your id so please do that so that they can send out the cheque this week . If you have any problem please contact the barrister today so that he too can explain to you .
Best Regards
Dube Bogani
For the family .
I again ask the same perfectly logical questions, and forward to Dube the same thing I sent to the "investor".
How are you ? The barrister informed me that the investor from Canada has contacted you but you did not respond accordingly to the investor so based on that the investor has not accepted to send you the cheque . Please i will like you to understand that i have signed for this money and according to the barrister the investor need you to sign up the mail they sent to you ,
How does one sign an email? Or fax, when I do not own a fax machine?
more also they need you to send them your id
They asked for two kinds of ID. I don't have two kinds of ID, and I told them that. They have not replied to let me know if one is sufficient.
so please do that so that they can send out the cheque this week . If you have any problem please contact the barrister today so that he too can explain to you .
It's not a matter of the barrister explaining it.What am I supposed to do? Sign my monitor and hit reply? I'm fairly sure they wouldn't accept that as a legal signature.
I replied to the investor. And I asked some perfectly reasonable questions which he has failed to answer. He asked me to sign and return an email. How am I supposed to return an email signed? I can't print it out and fax it, because I don't have a fax. They said they would take it by email, but that's impossible, because I don't have a scanner, either. Which is what I assume they mean when they say they prefer email.
And since I do not have two types of ID, how am I supposed to SEND two types of ID? I cannot send what I do not have! I did confirm that my details are correct. And I asked how precisely I am supposed to sign and return something by email. I would think one piece of ID was sufficient. What I assume was someone from the company called, and left a totally unintelligible message on my answering machine which was no help at all.
And I tried calling them four times today, and got the same message and couldn't connect. Can this company not take time to answer my very straightforward questions via email? Why do they have time to contact you and talk to you and the lawyer, but not enough time to answer my questions? And why does this guy have a New Zealand email address, yet I am supposed to call someone in Canada? This makes no sense. This loan company has completely shitty customer service, if they can't even answer the questions I asked below.
Here is what I sent your apparently totally crap investor.
Now the Barrister is back in on the act again. Now, why couldn't the investor answer?
This is to inform you that you can send the one I D to the investor at the receipt of this mail and please print out the mail that was sent to you by the investor and sign it then look for a fax or a business center where they have scanner and send the mail back to him signed .
For your information the cheque will be sent out today if you return the signed mail from the investor, please do not complicate issues as the loan has already been approved . More also time is against us so make sure you get back to the investor today , once you send this very mail back to the investor via this fax number 1-514-656-1924 or e-mail attachment . Please inform me so that i can call him to send the cheque out .
Be accordingly advised .
Barrister Xantin Khumalo .
I get somewhat moody with the good barrister, who seems to think everyone has a Kinko's in their back garden.
This is to inform you that you can send the one I D to the investor at the receipt of this mail
Then why didn't he say so? Why did it have to come from you instead of the loan officer?
and please print out the mail that was sent to you by the investor and sign it then look for a fax or a business center where they have scanner and send the mail back to him signed .
Business center? I live in a rural area. What do you think this is? New York? I had to go more than forty miles to get to a damned Kinko's even. I hope you're happy. I had to take a half day off work just to go get this fucker scanned. What do you think I can do? Just magically wiggle my ass and scan my ID, too? Lawyers. You all think everyone has a freaking full service office in their home. Try checking out how real people live every once in a while.
For your information the cheque will be sent out today if you return the signed mail from the investor, please do not complicate issues as the loan has already been approved . More also time is against us so make sure you get back to the investor today , once you send this very mail back to the investor via this fax number 1-514-656-1924 or e-mail attachment . Please inform me so that i can call him to send the cheque out .
Why do you need to be informed? He apparently actually TALKS to you. Me, I'm apparently not important enough to talk to. He sure as hell didn't answer my questions. Here's my shit. YOU pass it on. After all, I'm just the person receiving the loan. Apparently I'm not important enough to email according to the loan officer.
I do, however attach a couple of jpgs. That can't be opened, of course.
This mail is to notify you that you should contact the investor based on when he will be sending out the cheque and get back to me with his reply , further more please clearify him that you have sent to me your i.d but i can not down load the attarchment so i will advise you to re send it to me please .
Your urgent response is needed .
Be accordingly advised
Barrister Xantin Khumalo .
Oh dear, I wonder why he can't open it?
I wonder if he knows how to work that thing...
What do you mean "work with him"? How can I work with him when the bastard won't even email me back when I have a question?
And considering the ID scan opens fine on my computer, why should I bother resending it? It only seems broken on your end, for some reason. Don't you know how to use a computer properly?
Having so much trouble with getting my paperwork, the scammers start exploring alternate methods.
I am in receipt of your mail and it was well understood , i have gotten an easier means to get this very transaction done so i will advise to open an account with bank of America in your area .
Once this said account is open then you will have to forward the said account information to me both the telephone banking information so that the said account can be accessed by me if any money is been wired to the said account .
Further more this very account will be used for the transfer of the said fund from South Africa , the earlier you open the said account and forward to me all the information concerning the said account i will effect the process of this very transfer .
Scammers love Bank of America. It makes it easy for them to scam you, because you can do online transfers between BOA accounts without actually having to go to the bank in person. So, either the scammers were expecting me to deposit some money in this account, and expecting to remove it to their own BOA account, or they were planning to "flash" my account with the "loan". Essentially, flashing is the practice of sending a transfer to a bank account then quickly reversing it, or funding the transfer with a fake check that bounces. Either way, you're the one left holding the bag when the money "disappears" and the bank comes looking for whoever has "their" money.
I decide to fall back on one of my favorite bait-ending modalities. The "twig". Some nice person warns me before it's too late. I inform the barrister.
No. I am NOT opening a bank account for you. I went to the bank and talked to them. They asked a few basic questions about why I was opening the account, and I told them about this. They warned me that you are a 419 scammer, you and your little friend. You can both go get stuffed as far as I'm concerned. They said you were probably just going to "flash" the account to try to make me think you transferred the fund. Even if you aren't, they showed me a bunch of warnings and scam letters from little scumbags just like you.
I'm not sending you shit, scammer.
As hoped, this scammer isn't going to crawl under a rug just because I've nailed him dead to rights as a scammer.
I am very dis-appointed in your mail , like i told you the account will be used for this very transfer all you need to is to open the said account in bank of America and forward to me all the account information both the telephone banking information .
I do not want to flash any money but to transfer money from one bank to the other so do not be mislead . I know that scam is every where but i promise you this one is a true transaction so go ahead and open the said account and get back to me
Persistent, ain't he? I love how he doesn't even ask "What's flashing?" like a good, innocent barrister, and how he pulls out the tired old saw that other people are scammers but he isn't.
I'm... shall we say, blunt.
Like hell it is. You're a 419 scammer. You have a Yahoo account just like all those other scam letters, and you even used the same freaking template as some of the others. You're a liar and a scammer.
Go light your head on fire or something. You had better be doing something to prepare for the eternity you're going to spend in hellfire for being a liar and a thief.
I sent that on October 19, 2005. In true "Never give up!" fashion, I get a reply on December 19, 2005, a full two months later. Apparently, the little bugger has been busy gathering up the contacts to be able to sell/use my credit card information.
He makes an incredibly naive and ridiculous request.
I am in receipt of your mail and it was well understood , so i will advise you to forward to me the information i will request from you below . As i decided to contact the investor on how he can help so he has accepted to credit your credit card account.
I will advise you to forward to me at the receipt of this mail the following credit card information below :
This info that are needed are as follows
As soon as i am in receipt of the requested credit card information i will instruct the investor to transfer the money to the forwarded credit card account so take note and respond urgently to this very mail for the success of this transaction .
For more information please call me .
Be accordingly advised
Barrister Xantin Khumalo
Does he honestly think anyone's that stupid? Apparently so...
I'm not. Not even as a baiting character.
> I am in receipt of your mail and it was well understood , so i will advise
> you to forward to me the information i will request from you below . As i
> decided to contact the investor on how he can help so he has accepted to
> credit your credit card account.
Apparently it WASN'T well understood, or you would have fucked off
before now, because YOU'RE A SHIT SCAMMER!
> I will advise you to forward to me at the receipt of this mail the
> following credit card information below :
Tell you what, why don't you hold your breath until I get back to you
with my credit card information? Then, maybe you'll do the world a
favor and die of oxygen deprivation.
> This info that are needed are as follows
For you, $0.
> As soon as i am in receipt of the requested credit card information i will
> instruct the investor to transfer the money to the forwarded credit card
> account so take note and respond urgently to this very mail for the success
> of this transaction .
I would advise you to put your forehead against a chainsaw, and turn it on.
> For more information please call me .
For more information, please plug in a toaster, and take a bath with it.
> Be accordingly advised
> Barrister Xantin Khumalo .
If you're a barrister, I'm the Queen of England. We are not amused.
You're pathetic.
Now, you would think a dude could take a hint, but nope. He's baaaaaack. After six months of silence, July 6, 2006, what do I spy in my inbox?
Proir to the transaction i am representing you and my client Dube Bogani , I
have gotten a diplomatic means for the fund to be deliverred to your country
or near by one . I need to know your where about now so that we can proceed
I will feed you with the proceedures of the transaction as soon as i hear
from you , so you are advised to contact me back regarding your where about
For more information call me +27-73-727-5853.
Be accordingly advised .
Barrister Xantin Khumalo .
Thinks he's clever, doesn't he?
I'm less cooperative than he's expecting.
Yeah, right.
Prove it. Let's hear this cunning plan of yours.
Apparently, he was so proud I called his plan cunning that his head exploded.
I never hear from Xantin Khumalo again. Presumably, he couldn't come up with a cunning plan, so he sold my information to another scammer or passed me off to someone else in his gang. At any rate, August 2nd, 2006, I get a message with the subject "God news Baiter Name .(Barr. Xantin Khumalo gave me your contact )"
It is my pleasure to request your assistance on this business proposition
which if pursued to its conclusion will be of immense benefit to both of us.
This request may seem strange but will crave your indulgence and pray that
you view it seriously.
The message is not directly from me but from my friend who are occupying a
top position and strong member's of the African National Congress (ANC),
therefore I do not want you to disclose any of the information to anybody
just for friend sake because any lickage of information will affect their
political carrieer and also especially because of the name mentioned.
A very good friend of mine, bank director by proffession mandated me to
search for a reliable partner who can help us receive a diplomatic
consignment containing the sum of US$13,000,000.00. This money has been
carefully package in bonded form and will be delivered diplomatically with
the contact of a Dubai based diplomatic and delivery company.
This money belongs to the former Liberian President Mr. Charles Taylor but
was seized here in South Africa as the United Nation and US Government has
order all the Financial Services Provider's (Banks) in all African countries
to seized all assest and monies that belongs to Mr. Charles Taylor. So my
friend together with two of his friends, I mean top director's with the
South Africa decide to join hand and divert the money for their personal use
since all the documents partnerning the money has been cleaverly destroyed
few months ago.
Therefore, the reason why I decide to contact you is because I have had few
discussion with my friend Barrister Xantin Khumalo before contacting you
and I believe that you will never let me down nor cheat me. So all you need
to do is to travel to Dubai or any of the delivery company affiliate/agent
in abroad and receive the consignment from the Diplomat. You should be aware
that every necessary arrangement for immediate delivery of the consignment
and release to you is on course and this is 100% risk free.
My friend and his two partner are prepared to offer you a US$2,660.00
representing 20% of US$13,000,000.00 which you are also free to negotiate.
Further step and proceedure will be forwarded to you as soon as you confirm
your willingness to work with them.
I look forward to your urgent response to this regards,
Kind Regards,
Jerry Gezi
Like any self-respecting baiter, I am skeptical.
It is my pleasure to request your assistance on this business proposition
which if pursued to its conclusion will be of immense benefit to both of us.
This request may seem strange but will crave your indulgence and pray that
you view it seriously.
And why, exactly, would Khumalo be giving you my contact information? What business does he have handing it out?
The message is not directly from me but from my friend who are occupying a
top position and strong member's of the African National Congress (ANC),
therefore I do not want you to disclose any of the information to anybody
just for friend sake because any lickage of information will affect their
political carrieer and also especially because of the name mentioned.
A very good friend of mine, bank director by proffession mandated me to
search for a reliable partner who can help us receive a diplomatic
consignment containing the sum of US$13,000, 000.00. This money has been
carefully package in bonded form and will be delivered diplomatically with
the contact of a Dubai based diplomatic and delivery company.
And why exactly should I believe this? Where's your proof?
This money belongs to the former Liberian President Mr. Charles Taylor but
was seized here in South Africa as the United Nation and US Government has
order all the Financial Services Provider's (Banks) in all African countries
to seized all assest and monies that belongs to Mr. Charles Taylor. So my
friend together with two of his friends, I mean top director's with the
South Africa decide to join hand and divert the money for their personal use
since all the documents partnerning the money has been cleaverly destroyed
few months ago.
And why, exactly, should I risk getting myself into this sort of trouble? And why would I want Charles Taylor's dirty fucking money? Any "friends" of that low down, dirty animal of a dictator would probably stab each other and you in the back for a dollar.
Therefore, the reason why I decide to contact you is because I have had few
discussion with my friend Barrister Xantin Khumalo before contacting you
and I believe that you will never let me down nor cheat me. So all you need
to do is to travel to Dubai or any of the delivery company affiliate/agent
in abroad and receive the consignment from the Diplomat. You should be aware
that every necessary arrangement for immediate delivery of the consignment
and release to you is on course and this is 100% risk free.
I'm not setting foot in Dubai. If it's a courier company, they should be able to bring it to my door. And are you really expecting me to believe that Bogani supposedly had millions he just happened to need help "moving" and you just happen to have millions of Charles Taylor's money that needs "moving"?
My friend and his two partner are prepared to offer you a US$2,660.00
representing 20% of US$13,000, 000.00 which you are also free to negotiate.
I wouldn't do it for anything less than half. Not that I think you have so much as a penny, anyway.
You're probably a lying fraud just like Xhantin was.
Further step and proceedure will be forwarded to you as soon as you confirm
your willingness to work with them.
Give me some damned proof, first, or you can forget it.
I mean, really, what's the point of a bloody courier company if they don't, y'know, courier stuff?
I get a bounce from the hotmail address.
That's okay. He also included a Yahoo address for the second time he sent me the identical email. *headdesk* I taunt him at the Yahoo address.
You know, it's sad that you can't even manage to hang on to a damned hotmail address.
I'm supposed to trust you to make it "risk free" for me to be involved in a huge transaction?
It's still August 2, 2006. I don't expect to get much further with this one, but by golly, he's more tenacious than I would have expected.
This is to acknowledge the receipt of your mail. I know that you will be so suprised to receive this email from me and my happiness is that you confirmed knowing Khumalo.
I have noted your inability to be present in Dubai and based on that, let me inform you that immediate arrangement for bank to bank wire transfer with any of the offshore bank in Canada or North America is underway. This is because any transfer of fund from those country are not closely monitored unlike other countries.
Once this arrangement is concluded with the bank, then the bank will then notify you for further transfer of the fund to your account in United State.
For now, the parties involve has requested that you send the following details which will be used in the process of procuring the necessary documents on your name as the beneficiary. See the details below:
1. Your full names and address.
2. Your telephone and fax number if any.
3. A scanned copy of your int'l passport or driver licence.
I trust you because barrister Khumalo is a reputable man and I believe that whoever he direct to me will also be a honest person. So please let me count on you.
Access the website below as proof:,2172,68643,00.html
Please I need those details urgently.
Kind Regards,
Dr. Jerry Gezi.
Now, at this point, I figure there's still a very good chance that this is actually Xantin, trying a new angle and a new name. So I see if I can get a rise out of him by bashing Xantin as an idiot. You're about to be a lot less happy that I know Khumalo.
This is to acknowledge the receipt of your mail. I know that you will be so suprised to receive this email from me and my happiness is that you confirmed knowing Khumalo.
Yeah, I know him. I know him to be a lying, sniveling little weasel of an incompetent lawyer. Why should I think any better of you just because you know him?
I have noted your inability to be present in Dubai and based on that, let me inform you that immediate arrangement for bank to bank wire transfer with any of the offshore bank in Canada or North America is underway. This is because any transfer of fund from those country are not closely monitored unlike other countries.
I'll believe it when I see it. Which offshore bank? Where's this bank's phone number and website?
Once this arrangement is concluded with the bank, then the bank will then notify you for further transfer of the fund to your account in United State.
For now, the parties involve has requested that you send the following details which will be used in the process of procuring the necessary documents on your name as the beneficiary. See the details below:
1. Your full names and address.
2. Your telephone and fax number if any.
3. A scanned copy of your int'l passport or driver licence.
Since I already sent all that to your good buddy Khumalo, why don't you just go see him and get them? In fact, while you're at it, where's YOUR passport? I know who I am, who are you? Where's your passport? Where's your proof to me that you're who you say you are?
I trust you because barrister Khumalo is a reputable man
Then maybe you need your head examined. Because nothing Khumalo said would happen came true. I wouldn't trust him as far as I could throw him.
and I believe that whoever he direct to me will also be a honest person. So please let me count on you.
Access the website below as proof:,2172,68643,00.html
Please I need those details urgently.
And what the hell do a bunch of news stories about what an incredibly big bastard Charles Taylor have to do with anything? That doesn't prove you have his money.
Apparently, it's not the same scammer. If he's in the same gang, there's some bad inter-scammer communication, here.
I can now understand why you sound like this , Barrister Xantin Khumalo told me very thing.
Regarding this very transaction a solid arragement has been made with the corresponding bank of CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK OF COMMERECE (CIBC), TORONTO in South Africa .
I have been instructed by the parties involved to inform you the proceedings , so if you know you are ready to work with this parties then you confirm to me in your next e-mail so that the neccesary documents covering this transaction will be forwarded to you .
Further more the offshore fiduciary agents will contact you as soon as the fund is transfered and the file as well, Urgent response is needed as Barrister Xantin Khumalo has given me your full details.
Yours Faithfully
Dr Jerry Gezi .
So, at this point, I'm assuming Lad 1 actually made a naira or two off of my information, selling it to Gezi and billing me as a responsive maga.
Responsive? Yes. Paying? No.
I can now understand why you sound like this , Barrister Xantin Khumalo told me very thing.
Really? And what was his sorry excuse for not being able to do any of what he promised?
Regarding this very transaction a solid arragement has been made with the corresponding bank of CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK OF COMMERECE (CIBC), TORONTO in South Africa .
Then you'll be able to go right through the bank to the branch in Canada, then. That's much simpler. Does this bank have a website?
I have been instructed by the parties involved to inform you the proceedings , so if you know you are ready to work with this parties then you confirm to me in your next e-mail so that the neccesary documents covering this transaction will be forwarded to you .
If you prove to be any more reliable than Xhantin, I just might work with you. But you'll need to prove yourself.
Further more the offshore fiduciary agents will contact you as soon as the fund is transfered and the file as well, Urgent response is needed as Barrister Xantin Khumalo has given me your full details.
I'll be waiting for that, then.
It's now August 8.
On August 10, I get the following stall message.
I am in receipt of your mail and the content was well understood, as of now all arrangements are in place. You will be informed soonest on the further proceedures , be rest asured ta the the bank in Canada will handle this trasaction.
Dr Jerry Gezi .
Three days later, Jerry gets back to me with a new story.
Sorry for the late response to your mail, this was due to series of meeting with my partners here concerning the meeting with the Canadian correspondence here to help us with the transfer through one of the commerce bank in Canada. However, everything went well.
I do not know how and in what way has my friend Khumalo offended you but please, I think it is time you know that this is a more serious issue than what you are talking about, this is the time for you to seat up and listen to me very well because what I am unfolding to you is 100% real, the only way you could have understood this is if yonly you can visit South Africa.
Coming to the business, we are almost at the concluding stage with the official here, the reason for the delay is because we let them know that this is purely a deal so that they can help us monuover the transfer using an insider contact.
On your side, we are currently working on how to secure the neccessary contract documents placing you as one of the su-bcontractor who executed a contract here and looking forward to receive your contract payment. The reason why the arrangement is going well is because these men are men of integrity, so be free to work with me.
Once we conclude with the Canadian trade commission here, the issuing local bank will contact you from Canada for further transfer of the fund to your account in US.
N/B: Please remember to keep this with yourself.
A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) will be forwarded to you in due course which you will sign and return bank.
Remember that I am still waiting for your details.
Dr. Jerry Gezi.
Seriously, how does he not burst into flames or get struck by lightning just typing the word "integrity"?
I am most unkind in my response.
Sorry for the late response to your mail, this was due to series of meeting with my partners here concerning the meeting with the Canadian correspondence here to help us with the transfer through one of the commerce bank in Canada. However, everything went well.
I do not know how and in what way has my friend Khumalo offended you but please, I think it is time you know that this is a more serious issue than what you are talking about,
So you think a little thing like Khumalo being a lying, spineless weasel who can't do anything he promises is no big deal? You have a very odd idea about who your friends are, then. Because where I'm from, if a man can't follow through on his word and his promises, he isn't much of a man.
this is the time for you to seat up and listen to me very well because what I am unfolding to you is 100% real, the only way you could have understood this is if yonly you can visit South Africa.
Maybe I'll do just that. Where are you located in South Africa? Might take me a while to get a passport and a flight what witht he state of air travel these days, but I could certainly do that if necessary.
Coming to the business, we are almost at the concluding stage with the official here, the reason for the delay is because we let them know that this is purely a deal so that they can help us monuover the transfer using an insider contact.
On your side, we are currently working on how to secure the neccessary contract documents placing you as one of the su-bcontractor who executed a contract here and looking forward to receive your contract payment. The reason why the arrangement is going well is because these men are men of integrity, so be free to work with me.
I'll be the judge of their integrity. Khumalo claimed he had integrity, too. The proof is in the pudding.
Once we conclude with the Canadian trade commission here, the issuing local bank will contact you from Canada for further transfer of the fund to your account in US.
N/B: Please remember to keep this with yourself.
A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) will be forwarded to you in due course which you will sign and return bank.
Remember that I am still waiting for your details.
Dr. Jerry Gezi.
How low will we go? Check out Yahoo! Messenger's low PC-to-Phone call rates.
I'm still waiting for the Canadian bank's details. You have yet to give them to me. Nor, for that matter, to tell me what blinking details you need from me.
Jerry gives me some bank details.
We have concluded arrangement with the Canadian Trade Commission here in South Africa and they link us to the CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK OF COMMERECE (CIBC), TORONTO CANADA. According to this bank, your information and amount to receive has been forwarded to the offshore payment centre. So you will be contacted by the offshore fiduciary agents. The fiduciary agent information is:
TEL: 416 841 9451
FAX: 416 604 5424
You should write them to know but the bank told me that they will contact you as soon as possible.
I think it is time you take this transaction very serious. Please I need the following details from you:
1. Your full names.
2. Your residential address.
3. Your telephone and fax number.
4. Your int'l passport number or driver license number.
Please make sure that I receive this details this night because it will be used to process the agreement and secure the documents.
I am waiting.
Dr. Jerry Gezi.
I check out the website. Nothing resembling a bank site there. Again, I'm less than cooperative.
Why is there no website at And what kind of rinky dink bank uses a Yahoo address?
I'm not dealing with any bank that can't even maintain a website.
On 8/15/06, jerry gezi <> wrote:
Dear *name removed*,
We have concluded arrangement with the Canadian Trade Commission here in South Africa and they link us to the CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK OF COMMERECE (CIBC), TORONTO CANADA. According to this bank, your information and amount to receive has been forwarded to the offshore payment centre. So you will be contacted by the offshore fiduciary agents. The fiduciary agent information is:
TEL: 416 841 9451
FAX: 416 604 5424
You should write them to know but the bank told me that they will contact you as soon as possible.
Make up your mind. Am I supposed to be contacting the bank or are they going to contact me?
I think it is time you take this transaction very serious. Please I need the following details from you:
1. Your full names.
You already have that.
2. Your residential address.
*address removed*
3. Your telephone and fax number.
I don't have a fax, and I don't take unsolicited calls. You want to talk to me on the phone, you can give me your phone number and a damned good reason to call.
4. Your int'l passport number or driver license number.
I don't have a passport, and I don't give out my license number. That's an invitation to identity theft.
Please make sure that I receive this details this night because it will be used to process the agreement and secure the documents.
I am waiting.
Dr. Jerry Gezi.
August 17, Jerry Gezi tries to lay down some ground rules.
If for instance the parties here decide to finalise the transaction here, this is how it will be done.
1. Upon your arrival, you will be picked to your hotel by myself or my driver. After some hours rest, we will all meet together in my guest house for a brief meeting, the topic on the meeting will be how the fund will be transfered, signing of the agreement and what role that you are expected to play here.
2. The next day, you will proceed to the bank for the purpose of account opening. After the account has been opened, the diplomatic and delivery company will immediately deliver the consignment to my guest house once again for you to inspection and understand what we are saying.
3. After the inspection, the consignment will be convayed to the bank direct for deposit in the account that you had already open. Once the deposit has been concluded, you will be required to complete the signing and subsequent issue transfer instruction. This is if we agreed on Telegraphic Transfer (TT) but if we agreed on payment by Bank Draft, you will be issued with a Certified Bank Draft.
4. The last day which will be the third day, you will start arranging your trip back to the State.
This is exactly the way the transaction was programmed if only you perfer coming to South Africa. Therefore, I want you to let me know how long will it take you to get your traveling passport and air ticket.
I am in support of this process as that is the only way you will understand that this is not a joke but a real issue.
Revert back urgently.
Jerry Gezi.
Right. Then we'll have tea on the veranda with Gandhi and the Tooth Fairy, right?
I decide to annoy him by insisting on traveling.
1. Upon your arrival, you will be picked to your hotel by myself or my driver. After some hours rest, we will all meet together in my guest house for a brief meeting, the topic on the meeting will be how the fund will be transfered, signing of the agreement and what role that you are expected to play here.
Arrival where? Canada or South Africa? And where, specifically? I mean, I can hardly just go landing anywhere in Canada or South Africa and wander around until I spot you, now can I?
2. The next day, you will proceed to the bank for the purpose of account opening. After the account has been opened, the diplomatic and delivery company will immediately deliver the consignment to my guest house once again for you to inspection and understand what we are saying.
And the name and contact information for this bank would be...?
3. After the inspection, the consignment will be convayed to the bank direct for deposit in the account that you had already open. Once the deposit has been concluded, you will be required to complete the signing and subsequent issue transfer instruction. This is if we agreed on Telegraphic Transfer (TT) but if we agreed on payment by Bank Draft, you will be issued with a Certified Bank Draft.
I prefer cash. Considering you're going to be bringing the consignment to your house anyway, via the courier, I insist on cash, actually. I will be contracting with a security company for the appropriate armed guards, so there will be no need to worry about the safety of myself or the cash. Let's just say I know a trustworthy guy who will set this up for a share of my share.
4. The last day which will be the third day, you will start arranging your trip back to the State.
This is exactly the way the transaction was programmed if only you perfer coming to South Africa. Therefore, I want you to let me know how long will it take you to get your traveling passport and air ticket.
I've already applied for the passport, and that should take maybe three weeks to finalize if I put a rush on it. The air ticket, you'll need to tell me what city/airport I need to fly into first. Or does South Africa have only one airport?
I am in support of this process as that is the only way you will understand that this is not a joke but a real issue.
I'll be there, if you would just tell me where in South Africa I'm supposed to be going.
As expected, the coward tries to discourage me from bringing any "security" as that would "bring unnecessary eyebrow".
C'mon man! If you're going to steal, at least have the cojones to do it even if I have an armed guard!
I am in receipt of your mail.
You will be arriving at Johannesburg International Airport here in South Africa.
You do not have to wander around in the airport because on the date of your arrival, I or my driver will be at the airport waiting for you with a board bearing your name for easy identification.
We are meeting with two bank's here, their names is Amalgamated Bank of South Africa (ABSA) and the other one is First National Bank of South Africa (FNB). Any of these two will be used. You do not need the information because you will be here.
Yes, the purposes of bringing the consignment to my guest house is for you to see why you are here. It is a veru high risk carrying the whole cash with you, so immediately after seighting the consignment, they will proceed to the bank for deposit and transfer.
You do not have to come with a Security Guard because that will bring unnecessary eye-brow. If you are coming with your personal security fine, but he/she is not allowed to see or to know what we are doing please.
As you have applied for passport, you should follow it so that it can be out at least before the three week. The city that you will be arriving is Johannesburg, Johannesburg International Airport.
I hope you will understand me now.
Please since you do not want to give me your number, then this is my number:+ 27 73 678 1808 and I want you to give me a call today.
I will be waiting.
I reply the same day, August 18, 2006.
You do not need the information because you will be here.
I still want the information. If you think I'm traveling without checking out every fucking detail of this transaction and your story, you're nuts. And why have you avoided my question about the lack of a website at ?
Yes, the purposes of bringing the consignment to my guest house is for you to see why you are here. It is a veru high risk carrying the whole cash with you, so immediately after seighting the consignment, they will proceed to the bank for deposit and transfer.
I'm going to have my own security team with me. I will be safe. Again, if you think I'm going to just trust you and your consignment people, and travel thousands of miles to another country to meet with a bunch of strangers, without bringing my own team, you're crazy. If you try to screw me over in any way, I want you to be staring down a very angry, very large man who is a professional security expert has a personal interest in seeing I get my share fair and square. Preferably, more than one man who fits this description.
You do not have to come with a Security Guard because that will bring unnecessary eye-brow. If you are coming with your personal security fine, but he/she is not allowed to see or to know what we are doing please.
Either my security team is welcome to come with me wherever I go, or you and your eyebrow can fuck right off. Your choice.
As you have applied for passport, you should follow it so that it can be out at least before the three week. The city that you will be arriving is Johannesburg, Johannesburg International Airport.
I hope you will understand me now.
I'm planning on arriving on this flight.
United Airlines 4593
(Operated by South African Airways) Sep 21 8:45 pm FRA 7:30 am (Next day) JNB Non-stop
I know that I don't need a visa, but will I be needing a yellow fever certificate? Is Johannesburg located within the yellow fever belt or not?
Please since you do not want to give me your number, then this is my number:+ 27 73 678 1808 and I want you to give me a call today.
As I said, I need a good reason to call. What are you going to say on the phone that you haven't already said or can't say in email? I like having a man's word in writing. Makes it harder for him to wriggle out of it later.
Unless there is something damned important to discuss over the phone, you can stick to email. I can name a certain other man who claimed he had important business with me and needed me to call him, yet, all he ever did was waste my time by stammering at me about the same things he had already said in his emails every time I called.
If you waste my time yammering about the same things you have already covered in writing, don't expect me to be very pleasant or patient with you. I detest people who needlessly waste my time.
Ah, the fun part. Giving a lad a hard time over details, and over being a coward. I love how he thinks I'm just going to waltz in on his turf, like a lamb to slaughter. I like turning it around and making him nervous.
Dance, scammer, dance!
The transaction is no more taking place in Canada, so it is needless asking for any information their again.
The only information that you need as far as this transaction is the meeting we will have here. So it better you make up your mind now either to stay or to quit because we do not disclose such information until we see you face to face with your security group.
The reason why I requested for your detail is because it will used to transfer the ownership and control of the fund to your name and this documents will be signed by you here before the account in the bank.
Our agreement with you is that you will receive 20% of the total sum plus whatever expenses you made like traveling cost, hotel etc. So no one is after your money because that is your tittle as far as this transaction is concerned. It is time that you American and the Western World should stop painting African with black colour. if you like, come with thousand of security guard's, it is your onw expenses,all that i am assuring you is that the proposed transaction is a deal which i know but the process was carefully planned, it is only when you come.
I dont have to be angry because I use to deal with people like you and the good thing about people like you is that they are friendly and most loved. So whatever you call me on the mail, I take it as if both of us are cracking joke after business discussion.
You need yellow card at johannesburg international airport.
Let me hear from you.
Oh, you'll hear from me.
The transaction is no more taking place in Canada, so it is needless asking for any information their again.
I'm not asking about the Canadian bank. You said right in your last email, we're meeting with Amalgamated Bank of South Africa (ABSA) and First National Bank of South Africa (FNB). If you had insisted on involving the bank, I wanted their information.
The only information that you need as far as this transaction is the meeting we will have here. So it better you make up your mind now either to stay or to quit because we do not disclose such information until we see you face to face with your security group.
Fine. Don't expect me to tell you anything about who or what I'm bringing with me, then.
The reason why I requested for your detail is because it will used to transfer the ownership and control of the fund to your name and this documents will be signed by you here before the account in the bank.
You can get those things from me when I arrive. You don't give me any information until I arrive, I won't give you any information until I arrive. Tit for tat.
Our agreement with you is that you will receive 20% of the total sum plus whatever expenses you made like traveling cost, hotel etc. So no one is after your money because that is your tittle as far as this transaction is concerned. It is time that you American and the Western World should stop painting African with black colour.
I don't give a damn if you're from fucking Jersey and green, I'm not traveling to see a bunch of strangers and just trusting that they're on the up and up. Especially not when it comes to that kind of money.
>if you like, come with thousand of security guard's, it is your onw expenses,all that i am assuring you is that the proposed transaction is >a deal which i know but the process was carefully planned, it is only when you come.
I'll feel free to bring my full team, then.
I dont have to be angry because I use to deal with people like you and the good thing about people like you is that they are friendly and most loved. So whatever you call me on the mail, I take it as if both of us are cracking joke after business discussion.
Whatever helps you sleep at night, Poindexter.
You need yellow card at johannesburg international airport.
Let me hear from you.
All arrangements are still on schedule. Should that change, I will let you know.
This lad appears to have been watching too much Dr. Phil, or something. The "I'll pretend you're joking" thing is very odd.
I also hate it when scammers try to play the "you're picking on Africa, because you don't trust me, even though I said right from the beginning, in my proposal, that I'm a thief, taking what isn't mine" card. Dude, I don't trust you because you're obviously a SCAMMER, no more, no less. Even if the proposal were true, you would still be a thief, unethical, and a liar, so why would I trust you even then?
Scammer logic. Gotta love it. They actually expect honor among thieves.
We're silent for about a week. August 28, he emails again.
How are you today? How far with your traveling arrangement?
Please if there is anyway you can hasten up the process, you do it.
Let me kn ow your arrangement and arrival date.
I'm a shade cranky about his impatience.
Gezi, the arrangements have been made.
Please if there is anyway you can hasten up the process, you do it.
If you know some way to "hasten up" the government about issuing a passport, I'd love to hear it. If you can somehow speed up the airlines, I would love to hear that, too. What do you take me for? The head of the passport agency? The president of an airline? A private pilot? Do you think I own my own Lear jet?
Let me kn ow your arrangement and arrival date.
I've already sent you the flight information. You have the flight number, you can certainly check the scheduling online yourself. You do know how to use an airline website, don't you?
Scammers really need some classes in reading and paying attention to detail... yeesh.
So, Sparky here decides to go all high and mighty, like scammers do, when they know they have a snowball's chance in hell of actually getting any money out of you, but can't quite give up.
I am reaching in order to clarify a few issues. For quite some time i have patiently been swallowing a lot of foul language from you simply because i was under the impression that you have a lot of reasons to behave the way you have been behaving.
In any case, i would like to sound a note of warning to you to avail yourself of this opportunity to be serious about what you are doing with me. try to desist from the impression that you are dealing with a fool, just because you have had the bad fortune of being disappointed due to badly made arrangements.
It my convinction that you do not fully understand what it is you are involved in? As for myself, i am trained in the art of assesing situations and improving them if i find reasons to do that. I have spent a lot of time communicating with you in an elementary form and i have seen that you use a lot of street language without minding what damage it could have done. I have therefore resolved that if i am to deal with you regarding the pending deal, you would have to come clean with me otherwise there would be no need for you scheduled trip to South Africa.
There are a lot of things i decided to keep quiet about since you decided to run off with your mouth unecessarily. I have my reputation to protect and i cannot allow you to destroy what we have built with so much sweat and man hours.
There's a lot we have to consider regarding how the consignment would be cleared from storage and you are just busy telling me about the battalion of security you are coming with. If you have any problems dealing with me, then, theie is no need for you to waste your time coming to meet because, i may not even be willing to deal with if you deliberately decide to be intransingient and arrogant.
If you have to deal with me you have to show some respect and understanding. You are insisting on having specific info about the bank and a contact person when i do not know if you are planning to stab me in the back.
If you hate Charles Taylor so much, then why do you have to bother about his money. I do not like Charles so much, but i am wise enough to know that i could use his money to create a general welfare effect on the lives of my people in my country, that is the moral high ground on which i stand, period!
Get back to me with specifics about your scheduled trip, including who you are coming with.
I am the one running the risk, it is either you follow my lead or you forget the deal.
Accept my highest regards!
Dr. Jerry.
Translation: Oh, crap. You're traveling, you're really traveling. I am too cowardly to actually face someone who is bringing armed guards. I shall bluster foolishly, now. And invoke the word "moral". Like I even know what that means...
It's September 19th by now, and he sees his chances for getting me to pay off easily dwindling fast.
I reply with a bit of putting him back in his place. And insulting his manhood. But that goes without saying, almost...
In any case, i would like to sound a note of warning to you to avail yourself of this opportunity to be serious about what you are doing with me. try to desist from the impression that you are dealing with a fool, just because you have had the bad fortune of being disappointed due to badly made arrangements.
Are you unable to read? Because, like I already told you, if my travel plans changed, I would let you know. Have I told you that my plans to travel have changed? No. Have I emailed you with an alternate flight schedule? No. So, I will just assume that you obviously can't work your email program well enough to look up that my flight is still scheduled to leave the airport here at 8:45 this evening, and to arrive in Johannesburg at 7:30 a.m. tomorrow morning, local time.
Everything has been taken care of and all my previous statements about my travel arrangements still stand.
It my convinction that you do not fully understand what it is you are involved in?
I understand perfectly well what I'm involved in. You and your underhanded little buddies are taking money that doesn't belong to you. In order to get it out of the country and get your hands on part of it, you need my help. Does that about cover it?
As for myself, i am trained in the art of assesing situations and improving them if i find reasons to do that. I have spent a lot of time communicating with you in an elementary form and i have seen that you use a lot of street language without minding what damage it could have done. I have therefore resolved that if i am to deal with you regarding the pending deal, you would have to come clean with me otherwise there would be no need for you scheduled trip to South Africa.
Why do you act like you're some kind of tenderhearted, scared little boy clinging to your Mama's apron strings? You act like a few curse words will just break your heart or something. How the fuck do you manage to do business with real men if you're such a prissy little nance about cursing?
I'm coming to Joburg. If you deliver, I'll do some business and we'll both make some money. If not, then, I'll just have myself a nice holiday and go home. So far, you're all hat and no cattle. You talk big, but frankly, I think you're going to prove to be just like Khumalo. A bunch of promises, and no delivery.
I'm arriving at the airport, tomorrow morning, at 7:30 am, on the connecting flight from France, on United Airlines. Now, you can meet me at the gate at the airport, or in themiles from the International Airport, and do business, or I can just enjoy myself a week's holiday and call it a wash. Your choice. You either be there tomorrow or I'll figure you're just like Khumalo. A no good liar.
As I have no picture of you, simply wait there with a sign bearing my name. That would be. Please make it a large posterboard, easy to read. I expect you to be prompt. Or, if you wait at the hotel lobby, you can wait near the front desk, so I'll see you when I come to check in. I've made a reservation there, but not under my name. I value my privacy.
There are a lot of things i decided to keep quiet about since you decided to run off with your mouth unecessarily. I have my reputation to protect and i cannot allow you to destroy what we have built with so much sweat and man hours.
What work have you done? You've sent out a few emails. Big fucking deal. Without me, you don't get any of the money you're trying to take, so I would watch my mouth, if I were you. You haven't proven jack, so far. I'll believe you've actually done any work when I see it in person.
There's a lot we have to consider regarding how the consignment would be cleared from storage and you are just busy telling me about the battalion of security you are coming with. If you have any problems dealing with me, then, theie is no need for you to waste your time coming to meet because, i may not even be willing to deal with if you deliberately decide to be intransingient and arrogant.
Look, I already said no security, no meeting. You agreed to that earlier. So why are you now cowering like some scared, mangy dog about me bringing my security? What are you? Scared?
If you have to deal with me you have to show some respect and understanding. You are insisting on having specific info about the bank and a contact person when i do not know if you are planning to stab me in the back.
I told you, so long as I get to bring my security to collect in person, I don't care about the bank.
If you hate Charles Taylor so much, then why do you have to bother about his money. I do not like Charles so much, but i am wise enough to know that i could use his money to create a general welfare effect on the lives of my people in my country, that is the moral high ground on which i stand, period!
Because, just like you, I'm greedy. I can spend it better than he can. And don't get all high and mighty and "moral" on me. You're stealing something that doesn't rightfully belong to you, so you're a filthy, dirty thief, just like I am. You're not going to be funding orphanages or feeding the hungry with it or any of that shit. You're going to spend it on yourself, and you know it. You're going to buy yourself a nice watch and a nice car and a bigger house, and you're going to retire on it. And don't try to tell me any different.
If you were moral, you wouldn't be stealing anything that isn't yours, no matter who it belonged to. God says "Thou shalt not steal". He doesn't say "Thou shalt not steal, execept in cases where it's really convenient and you plan to use some of the money for something charitable or you're stealing it from a dead asshole of a dictator."
Get back to me with specifics about your scheduled trip, including who you are coming with.
Four male security guards, licensed to carry weapons, you don't need to know their names until you're formally introduced. The flight information has already been sent to you once, I restated it here, and it's United 4593.
I am the one running the risk, it is either you follow my lead or you forget the deal.
No skin off my nose if you don't get your dirty fucking stolen money. It's not my problem if you're not a big enough man to deliver what you say you can, or if you're so scared by the prospect of meeting me that you're about to wet your pants over it. You can either come meet me as requested or forget the deal. I'll go home safe, happy, and well rested after a week in South Africa and surrounding countries.
Your call. I'll either see you at the gate or hotel bright and early tomorrow, or you can stew from now until eternity on how to get your hands on this money. Frankly, I don't care which it is. I hate doing business with men who apparently don't own a pair of testicles. If you're willing to give up a chance at millions just because you don't care for salty language and a woman who asks for and gets what she wants when it comes to business, then, you don' t have a set of balls. If you don't show up tomorrow, I'll see if I can buy you a pair in the duty free shops at the airport.
Now, I'm off to pack.
I love how he's about 90% sure he's being jerked around, to the point of shooting off his mouth, yet he can't quit scamming.
Hello Trina,
As soon as you arrive, please call me on the following number: +27-727422082. I will meet you at your hotel lobby, if you tell me what you would be wearing and how ugly you really are.
See you soon loud mouth!
Meh, I decide it's time to call a spade a spade, and see how the spade responds. The "prodding" about possible homosexual behavior is strictly to see if he reacts to it. Most scammers come from countries where homosexuality is not only frowned upon and discriminated against, it can be downright dangerous to admit. If the police don't arrest you for it, it's certainly not something you want others finding out about. As a result, most scammers react in a very over the top manner if you even hint they might be anything other than hairy-chested he-men who have fifteen girlfriends. They tend to overcompensate a mite...
Oh, give it a rest, scammer.
That's right. Scammer. I changed my hotel reservation and I'll be spending my holiday elsewhere in this lovely country. I spoke to the police after arriving, and confirmed what I already suspected. That you're a lowdown, dirty, rotten, pathetic excuse for a scammer. You're probably some smalltime Yahoo Yahoo small boi who doesn't have a dollar to his name and lives in a cardboard box and sells himself for web cafe money. You certainly can't be making any money from scamming. You're terrible at it. You have absolutely no skills. I do hope you're at least getting a little money from sucking cocks on the street, or you'll starve.
I'll be off enjoying my holiday jaunt through South Africa instead. You and the so-called "Barrister" Xantin Khumalo can crawl back under whatever rock you came from, smalltimer. Should be easy. You're probably either one and the same or both the same big-time oga's whipping boys anyway.
Too bad pathetic scum like you give Africa such a bad name.
The offer to buy you a pair of testicles still stands, by the way. And while I'm at it, shall I see if they have any leftover brains? Yours could use an upgrade.
The best the man can come up with (and I use the term "man" loosely) is to call me "poor".
Hello poor nurse,
I believe that you cannot get this type of opportunity again till you enter grave, you are such a bounch of stupid that I have never seen. If really you met a South Africa police, ask them about Dr. J. Gezi, there is only Gezi family in South Africa and that family is the tap root of Africa National Congress (ANC), which is the ruling party as far as South Africa is concern, so which connection do I need to have with a Mexican illegal immigrant who does not have common travel documents. I know you are just dreaming, it is a pity that fate has turned back on you.
With or without you, I am going to transfer the fund and if possible come to America with your house address that Khumalo gave to me and fuck the hell out of you because I know you need financial help. You are only wasting my time hoping that I am dealing with person, I do not know that I am dealing with a dick sucker like you.
Give me two months, I will call you from state, this is not the first time nor second and life will continue as far as I am from that family. I have every power to possese the money, a failure like you cannot stop me.
I wanted to change your life from nurse to a wealthy lady but I can see that fate is trcking you around. Anyway, I do not blame you, I only blame Khumalo because I told him initially let me send ticket fare but he told me that you will afford your flight ticket, see what he has cause to you now?. Well maybe I might consider you later but that should be after I have seen your full size picture recent one please.
Loud mouth.
Dr. Jerry.
I love this dude's "logic". There's only one Gezi family? Why? Did all the other Gezis change their name out of embarrassment when they found out about this scammer? And if "Jerry Gezi" is part of the "taproot of the ANC", someone forgot to tell Google about it.
Particularly, I love that the nimrod leaps to the wild-arse conclusion that I'm a Mexican immigrant. Sure. That makes sense. Not.
Also, since when does sexual assault = financial help? And Lonely Boy still wants a picture, the sad wanker. I have some more fun wasting his time, and taking him to task for insulting illegal immigrants. Whatever your opinion about immigration, at least Mexican immigrants tend to, you know, find honest work for a living instead of stealing from people.
Hello poor nurse,I believe that you cannot get this type of opportunity again till you enter grave, you are such a bounch of stupid that I have never seen. If really you met a South Africa police, ask them about Dr. J. Gezi, there is only Gezi family in South Africa and that family is the tap root of Africa National Congress (ANC), which is the ruling party as far as South Africa is concern,
You're not the real Jerry Gezi, you're some cocksucking scammer. Why would a real member of the ANC be slumming around, begging people to help him get money out of the country when he's so high, mighty and influential? He wouldn't. You, on the other hand, are a pathetic, greedy little scammer with no smarts, who needs to lie, cheat and steal to make a which connection do I need to have with a Mexican illegal immigrant who does not have common travel documents. I know you are just dreaming, it is a pity that fate has turned back on you.
Oh, I'm no Mexican, and I'm certainly not illegal. There are plenty of those in the United States, but frankly, we're happier to have them here than we are to have your kind. After all, at least the illegal immigrants from Mexico actually get off their arses and EARN a living, rather than trying to scam people. You could learn from their work ethic. If you don't know the definition of "work" or "ethic", have an adult help you look them up in a dictionary, and explain the big words to you.With or without you, I am going to transfer the fund
There is no fucking fund, except in your disease-addled brain, so I don't think I have to worry any time soon.and if possible come to America with your house address that Khumalo gave to me
Ring the front bell. I'll be sure to greet you with a smile. And a very large, loaded weapon. Which will very shortly thereafter be unloaded into your stinking carcass.and fuck the hell out of you
You'll be needing some help to locate your equipment for this job. Shall I bring the magnifying glass, or will I be needing the microscope?because I know you need financial help.
I'm not the one begging everyone on the internet to help me, boo hoo, help me get my money. I live pretty comfortably. Especially compared to you. You're probably camped out in a cardboard box.Give me two months, I will call you from state, this is not the first time nor second and life will continue as far as I am from that family. I have every power to possese the money, a failure like you cannot stop me.
There isn't any money to possess. You're either delusional or a fool. Or both. Actually, I'm going to guess both.I wanted to change your life from nurse to a wealthy lady but I can see that fate is trcking you around.
I'm already wealthy enough. I live in the United States, I have a roof over my head, food on my table, and I haven't lost any money to a lowlife thief like you. And if laughter can make your life rich, I've certainly become a wealthy lady today. Because I have laughed for quite a while at this email of yours.Anyway, I do not blame you, I only blame Khumalo because I told him initially let me send ticket fare but he told me that you will afford your flight ticket, see what he has cause to you now?.
Why don't you give it up already? Earlier, when I said Khumalo was a little weasel, you acted like you hardly knew him and didn't know why I was so upset. Now, you act like you're chatting away with him all the time. Both times, you were a very bad liar.Well maybe I might consider you later but that should be after I have seen your full size picture recent one please.
When I see yours, pumpkin. I'll need you be holding a sign that says "Jerry Gezi is really, really, really, really telling the truth about having $20 million and is not a delusional dickweed with genitalia the size of a gnat. He does have the $20 million. However, his genitalia is still the size of a gnat."Loud mouth.
Oh, my! I'm so wounded! Wounded beyond measure! That's sarcasm, by the way.
Is that the best you can do? Wow, you really do need that set of balls, don't you? And the brain. Where should I mail them?Dr. Jerry.
Oh, please, little boy, stop playing pretend and give up the "Dr." crap. You're some dirty little boy in a web cafe, hoping to score big. You never saw and never will see anything like $20 million. You're probably lucky to even afford the web cafe.
So, he's totally stuck on this "Loud Mouth" insult. Poor dear can't spell words any bigger...
Loud mouth,
How can you know if I am the real Gezi or not? I offered you the opportunity to see the Gezi but you refuse, you see this is why i told you that fate is tricking you.
Argueing with person like you is a waste of time and energy because I can see that you are either a divoicee or you that type who spend all the life waiting for the right man.
As far as I am concern, I am leaving a better life more than you illegal immigrant who is an enemy of the state. You Amigo's, you refuse to leave America.
Visiting Africa would have been an opportunity for you but fate has succeeded in chnaging your life, so follow the failure.
Mention 200 richest American's today and let me tell you how they make their money. You are just a confused lady who is being mislead. It is better to reign in hell than to serve in heaven, I am not denying the fact that I am a G-Man because money talks.
I am scammers, throughout my email communication with you, have I ever asked you to send me any money? Did I ask you to come with any money? You are the highest fool I have ever seen. Khumalo never told me that you can't afford your air ticket other wise I would have bought ticket for you.
Big politician does not execute deal themself, they use wise tout and not loud mouth like you.
Well I know that America cannot issue you passport and if you attempt using your Mexican passport, you will not return back to US again, your meeting me would have given you the opportunity to re-shape your life.
I like yopu and I hope to see you.
Keep well.
Dr. Jerry.
I'm much amused at how he thinks I'm supposed to slit my wrists because I'm single, or something. Dude, if waiting for the "right man" means I end up with something better than a lowlife scammer or nothing, I'll wait. Hand me a magazine.
Loud mouth,
Can't you come up with an "insult" better than that? Would it strain that single brain cell you have too much?
How can you know if I am the real Gezi or not?
Because it's obvious you are not a real politician or anyone in any position of power. Even politicians aren't quite that stupid.
I offered you the opportunity to see the Gezi but you refuse, you see this is why i told you that fate is tricking you.
Why would I want to come meet a lowlife scammer? If I want to see thieves who are no good at it, I can drive down to the local jail.
Argueing with person like you is a waste of time and energy
And yet, you keep doing it, so what does that say about your intelligence?
because I can see that you are either a divoicee
Nope, never been married. Haven't ever felt the need.
or you that type who spend all the life waiting for the right man.
Why should I rush to get married? Totally worthless men like you can easily be replaced with a ten dollar vibrator and a few AA batteries. If all I want is a dick or a dildo, I can mail order that and not have to put up with all the hot air that would come along with being around some small boy like you, who can't so much as think up a decent insult for fear of spraining his brain. Hell, a hunk of silicone would be smarter than you are.
As far as I am concern, I am leaving a better life more than you illegal immigrant who is an enemy of the state.
I would love to know why you think, mistakenly, I might add, that I'm an illegal immigrant. Wherever did you get that quaint idea? Have you been at the booze or drugs again? Trying to dull the pain of being such a pathetic failure? The only illegal immigrant here is probably you. Chances are, you're one of those silly Yahoo Yahoo boys from Nigeria, thinking you can actually pull a con off in South Africa. What's the matter? No success at home? Or did your family disown you for being into 419? Or for being so BAD at 419?
I suppose you think I'm an illegal immigrant because I didn't show you a passport? Well, first of all, I sure as hell am not showing my passport to a scammer. And second, the majority of Americans don't have a passport. Until January, we can travel to Mexico, Canada, and U.S. Territories without one. And you could travel America for decades without ever leaving the country, and never get bored.
You Amigo's, you refuse to leave America.
Seeing as I was born here, my parents were born here, my grandparents and great-grandparents were all born here, I have no reason to leave. And by the way, NONE of them came here from Mexico. Or Spain. Or anywhere that has Spanish as an official language. Are you really that proud that you know one word of Spanish that you have to use it whether you use it correctly or not? By the way, since you're so proud of knowing one word of Spanish, why don't we just make you bust your buttons with pride at the fact that you can pluralize words properly, instead of making them possessive. Next time, try "You Amigos". That would be plural, not possessive.
Visiting Africa would have been an opportunity for you but fate has succeeded in chnaging your life, so follow the failure.
Mention 200 richest American's today and let me tell you how they make their money.
Certainly not the way you make it. Or rather, don't make it.
You are just a confused lady who is being mislead. It is better to reign in hell than to serve in heaven,
Keep repeating that to yourself when you're getting red hot pokers up your arse for all eternity. Or whatever punishment you end up with.
I am not denying the fact that I am a G-Man because money talks.
And in your case, it probably only says "Sorry I missed you. Maybe next time."
I am scammers, throughout my email communication with you, have I ever asked you to send me any money?
Of course not. That would come AFTER I've hauled myself down to South Africa and met with you. Or after I had agreed to the transfer to the Canadian bank. I'm sure there would have been "transfer fees" if I had agreed to the bank. And don't think I've not found out what a "wash-wash" is. You probably thought all you had to do was get me to travel, show me some flimsy "proof" that there was money, and then I would be eager to pay.
You would have asked for money soon enough. Or, if you weren't smart enough for that, it would have just been robbing me or kidnapping me. I'm sure they didn't ask this fellow for any money before they kidnapped him either.,,2-7-1442_1641875,00.html
Did I ask you to come with any money? You are the highest fool I have ever seen. Khumalo never told me that you can't afford your air ticket other wise I would have bought ticket for you.
Really, give it up, already. The scammer doth protest too much. You're a scammer. Pure and simple. If "Khumalo" is actually one of your fellow scammers, he probably scammed you by fooling you into paying for my contact information, knowing I was going to check you out and not meet with you. How much did he make off of you, selling you my contact information?
Big politician does not execute deal themself, they use wise tout and not loud mouth like you.
Well, then, "big politician", why are you sitting here, typing me emails from Yahoo, a free email service? You sure seem to be doing a lot of work while looking for this "tout" of yours. You're no more a big politician than a chipmunk is a maneater.
Well I know that America cannot issue you passport and if you attempt using your Mexican passport, you will not return back to US again, your meeting me would have given you the opportunity to re-shape your life.
I'm sitting in the U.S. as I type this, actually. Haven't got a Mexican passport, since, as I keep pointing out, you thickskulled lout, I'm not from Mexico.
I like yopu and I hope to see you.
Well, I hate you and hope you rot, frankly. No, wait, I take that back. I hate you, your thieving kind, and hope to see your legs broken, hyenas eating your face, and vultures picking over what's left of you, then the rest can rot.
Keep well.
I will. I'm very healthy.
Dr. Jerry.
Give up the "Dr.". Really. It makes you look snotty, pretentious, and like a four-year-old playing pretend. Try something more exotic and exciting. Like signing your emails "The Giant T-Rex Jerry". It would be more believable, frankly.
So... Jerry boy has actually gotten so frustrated, he's resorted to something pretty hilarious. He graduates from "Loud mouth" to sexual taunts. Sort of. He sends my character a message that says "Just For You" in the subject line, and contains the following text:
Do u know what? I have something that you need, it is work more than vibrator, it will help you to masturbate since you do not want any man. I know you have been seeing such but this is just for you.
Watch it with respect oh,
Suck it as well.
It has a pornographic picture attached. Probably professional, because of the quality of the picture, the lighting, and the fact that the penis alone far outweighs this scammer's microscopic brain.
Let's recap. He was so angry, he wasted his cafe time and money finding just the right 60K worth of enormous penis picture, and sent it to me. I laughed for ten minutes straight.
Definitely not safe for work.
Now, as you may recall, these scammers tend to come from extremely homophobic societies. Getting caught looking at naughty penis pictures is likely to get you some very unpleasant repercussions. I decided the fact that he had spent his time looking for said pictures needed to be shared with his fellow scammers. My reply included the picture he found, so, if he's not playing all the parts in this scam, his friends get an eyeful of what he sent me.
Do u know what? I have something that you need, it is work more than vibrator,
Then why would I want it? I can afford batteries. Can't you afford batteries?
it will help you to masturbate since you do not want any man.
I didn't say I didn't want any man. I said I wouldn't want a pathetic excuse for a "man" like you. Now, a real man, on the other hand, might be a different matter. One with a working brain and equipment that can be located without an electron microscope, that is.
I know you have been seeing such but this is just for you.
Watch it with respect oh,
Find that on one of your favorite gay porn sites, did you? I see what you like. You must be a flaming homosexual. Do your scammer friends know you're a limp-wristed nancy boy who spends his days at the web cafe looking for naked pictures of other men? I bet they would be interested.
Let's see if their email addresses still work...
Suck it as well.
No thanks. You're probably not done sucking it yourself. I wouldn't want to interrupt you and your gay loverboy, there.
Did you suck him off before or after taking the photo?
Did he give you an extra dollar to swallow?
Only one of the emails bounced, the original "Dube Bogani". And strangely, I never heard from Jerry again. I hope he had a lot of 'splainin' to do to his friends...